How We Help

Transforming Waste, Preserving Tomorrow


Cradle-to-Cradle Waste Management:

Our 'cradle-to-cradle' approach repurposes and recycles waste, creating a sustainable cycle. All containers are scanned and weighed before collection.

Waste Treatment

Environmentally friendly treatment of sharps and infectious waste with recycling technology. We safely document, manage, and control healthcare risk waste that we do not treat, sending it to third-party service providers for proper treatment. Supplies include all the necessary containers, liners & accessory consumables for treatment of:

• Cytotoxic waste
• Pharmaceutical waste
• Anatomical waste
• Infectious waste
• Sharps waste
• Other special request waste streams.

Transport and Logistics

Fuel-efficient custom-built trucks, optimised routes and logistics processes for the collection and transportation of medical waste, from your facility to treatment, reducing environmental impact while ensuring timely and quality service.


We provide all necessary SABS approved consumables for your healthcare risk waste management needs, including containers, liners, and accessory consumables. This includes options for recycled RUC buckets and customisation to fit your specific requirements.

Data Management

We use advanced data management technology to accurately capture, record, and track data related to manifests, transportation, and treatment, ensuring compliance and minimising human error.


Recycling HCRW is vital for sustainable healthcare. Our unique treatment allows for valuable material recovery, reducing environmental impact and promoting responsible healthcare practices while creating a circular economy.

Healthcare Risk Waste Training

Customised training to your facility staff on proper handling, management and reporting of medical waste, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Compliance audits

HCRW Compliance audits to ensure that your facilities adhere to all relevant regulations and standards for the safe handling and disposal of medical waste, minimising potential legal & regulatory risk.

HCRW Storage Room Compliance

Advice and assistance in optimising the layout and organisation of your waste storage rooms, maximising space usage and ensuring compliance with safety and hygiene standards.


We collaborate with you to advance your ESG objectives. Our processes are geared toward environmental preservation, carbon emission reduction, and community welfare via CSI initiatives. We endeavour to divert all treated waste residue from landfills.

Our services

Healthcare Risk Waste Segregation Training
  • Tech4Green offers comprehensive training to healthcare facility staff on proper segregation techniques for different types of medical waste, ensuring compliance with regulations and maximising recycling efforts.
Compliance audits
  • Tech4Green conducts thorough compliance checks to ensure that healthcare facilities adhere to all relevant regulations and standards for the safe handling and disposal of medical waste, minimising potential legal risk.
Optimisation of
Waste Storage Rooms
  • Tech4Green provides advice and assistance in optimising the layout and organisation of waste storage rooms within healthcare facilities, maximising space usage and ensuring compliance with safety and hygiene standards.
Transport and Logistics Enhancement
  • Tech4Green optimises transport routes and logistics processes for the collection and transportation of medical waste, from your organisation to treatment, reducing costs and environmental impact while ensuring timely and efficient service.
Environmentally Friendly Waste Treatment
  • Tech4Green utilises environmentally friendly cold-chemical treatment, which reuses water indefinitely, is energy efficient because it is cold and the treated residue can be recycled and repurposed into RUC buckets, pot-plants, poles and a lot more, this minimises environmental impact and reduces the carbon footprint of waste management activities.
Recycling services
  • Tech4Green specialises in the recycling of medical waste, using innovative technologies to sterilise and repurpose waste materials into new products, contributing to a circular economy and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.
Accurate Data Management Technology
  • Tech4Green employs advanced data management technology such as the integrated scale, scanner printer technology to accurately capture, record, and track data related to manifests, transportation, and treatment, ensuring compliance minimising human error.
Compliant Healthcare Risk Waste Consumables
  • Tech4Green provides a range of compliant consumable products for the safe and efficient handling of medical waste, including containers, bags, and other materials designed to meet regulatory requirements and maximise recycling efforts.
Assist with ESG
  • Tech4Green significantly contributes to organisations' ESG goals by providing hassle-free compliance solutions, mitigating carbon emissions, and ensuring environmentally safe practices. We focus on community welfare through CSI projects, striving for zero waste to landfill and promoting recycling. Additionally, our eco-friendly procurement support encourages the use of recyclable consumables and recycled materials to reduce plastic waste.

Tech4Green Process: Cradle-to-Creation.

At the heart of our waste management process lies the concept of "Cradle to Creation." This innovative approach begins with what we call the "cradle" – the point at which waste is generated.

Once waste is produced, it is carefully transported and treated to ensure that it is handled in the most efficient and environmentally friendly manner. Our state-of-the-art treatment facilities then recycle and repurpose this waste, transforming it into high-quality recycled products.

These recycled products are not just given a new lease on life but are sent back into the waste stream where they were originally generated. This is the "renewal" we speak of – a continuous cycle that breathes new life into what was once discarded, turning waste into valuable resources and fostering a sustainable environment.

By embracing the Cradle to Creation model, we are not only managing waste but also creating a future where materials are perpetually renewed, reducing our environmental footprint and contributing to a healthier planet for generations to come.

Cradle-to-Grave HCRW Treatment

Our "Cradle to Grave" approach ensures a thorough and responsible management of healthcare risk waste (HCRW). This method begins at the "cradle" – the point where waste is generated.

In the cradle phase, healthcare facilities produce various types of waste that require careful handling. Once generated, this waste is securely transported to our state-of-the-art treatment facilities. Here, the waste undergoes rigorous treatment processes to neutralize any potential hazards and ensure safety.

After treatment, the waste is properly disposed of, completing its journey from cradle to grave. This approach guarantees that healthcare risk waste is managed with the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility, protecting both public health and the environment.

By adopting the Cradle to Grave model, we provide a reliable and comprehensive solution for HCRW management, ensuring that waste is handled with utmost care from its point of origin to its final disposal.

So what makes Tech4Green different?

Accurate & Advanced Data Management

We use game-changing digital systems like integrated scale scanner printer technology for precise record-keeping and data capturing.

Scalability & Flexibility:

Our solutions grow and adapt to your needs, offering fully scalable and flexible waste management tailored to your operations.

Recycling Superpowers:

Our innovative tech recycles and repurposes infectious waste, driving sustainable waste management practices.

ESG and Zero Waste to Landfill:

We take a holistic approach to healthcare risk waste management, tackling the flaws of traditional methods and making the process as eco-friendly as possible from start to finish.

So what makes Tech4Green different?

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Embrace green waste management that listens to your needs alongside the environment’s: